Pension Ceske chalupy - home page

Journey to Nove Hute

Nove Hute is a small village located in South Bohemia, 13 km (8 miles) from town Vimperk. Plan journey by car here. Set the destination to Vimperk. You can figure out the way from Vimperk to Nove Hute from the following map.

Map of way from Vimperk to Nove Hute

Note: coming from Vimperk to Nove Hute, you should pass the sign for end of village of Nove Hute.

Image of the traffic sign for end of village

Our pension is located about 300 meters (328 yards) behind the sign indicating 'end of village'. Watch for the 'direction' sign pointing to Ceske chalupy along the street after you pass the end of village sign.

Image of the direction traffic sign

Here is a map of Nove Hute.

Map of Nove Hute

If you don't plan to come by car, you can plan your journey by bus or train here. The final stop "Nove Hute, chata" is located 60 meters (66 yards) from our pension.

Cesky -English -Deutsch


Phone: +420 388434020 (tel/fax), +420 607529598 (GSM)
Address: Pension Ceske chalupy, Nove Hute 48, 384 93 Kvilda, Czech republic